Thursday, February 19, 2009

Emmy's new car seat!

Well this week was a good one except for one thing, Nana being in the hospital! I have been very worried about her all week. But now mom tells me she is okay. Anyway, This week Holly brought Madison over for a play date with Emmy and it was great to have her interacting with another baby her age. The played well together but Maddy is 2 months older and only a couple weeks preemie, so she is already walking and that makes Emmy want to walk too. She shared her toys so well and loved playing with another baby. It was so fun to watch. Also, my nephews down stairs are on school vacation this week so they have been up at our house a lot. Emmy loves when they come up because she plays with them while she is in her walker, lol, she chases them around the house in her walker. It's so fun for her. She is also getting a lot better at moving around in her walker, babies start off going backwards but now she is going frontwards too. She loves to stand up and walk instead of sitting down and just moving her feet. This week she also ate gerber puffs which are like cheerios but disolvable. I am one of those moms that thinks my kid is gonna choke on everything so those are great for me! lol. So, today she was supposed to have her appointment with Lisa but I canceled to go up to Mom's house today, her and Pat are going to Maine tomorrow, so I wanted to see them before they went up, not to mention get Emmy's car seat...he he! LOL. So when I left to go up there this morning I didn't have a good update on Nana and then when I got there mom told me she was doing better, so I was pretty relieved about that. However, we were both exausted from waking up so early...4am and driving up there so we ended up taking two naps. lol. One on the couch and one with Nana in her bed. It was fun though, I told mom I was stealing her and Pats bed, I think it was the most comfy bed I had ever slept in! About 4pm Louie came back to my moms and Emmy was so happy to see him! As usual! Soon after that Grammy came home with Chinese food and we had a great dinner. After that I fed Emmy her sweet potato's while Grammy held her. Emmy also spit them all over the couch and blanket! lmao. Thank God they had a sheet down to cover the couch!! So then Louie and I went out to install Em-boo's new car seat. I absolutely LOVE it. It's awesome. It's a brown and pink, safety first and she LOVES sitting frontwards in it. She loves being able to see Louie and I when shes in the car. So! Like I said, besides worrying about Nana this week was good. Well, I gotta go, Emmy needs to get to bed and my nephews are playing with Emmy's new tea pot set, it makes a pouring sound when you pretend to pour it out and they are "dumping it out" on my head! LOL. I am going to tell them they have to leave because now I am soaked with tea and have to change my clothes, HAHA!! Little buggers. Anyway, I'll update again soon!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Emmy's Second 1st Birthday!!

Hi everyone, Emmy's party went great. We had so much fun! Mom and Pat did so much and Louie and I are so appreciative! If they weren't there I don't think I would have seen the party at all! LOL The theme was Elmo, Emmy's favorite and so of course she wore her Elmo outfit! lol. She loves entertaining people so of course she had so much fun! She got lots of birthday presents from people and they were all awesome. I thought mom and Pat's gifts were seriously done and then they even bought her a car seat!! Louie and I couldn't believe it. I can't wait to install it! Emmy also enjoyed her cake! LOL She smushed it everywhere! Anyway, the party was great and we had a perfect turn out. These are the people who came:

Mom & Pat
Alda & Carlos (Louie's parents)
Joe & Mena (my brother and sister in law)
Jorge & Leslie (my brother and sister in law)
Catarina, Andrew & Mikey (my niece and nephews)
John & Gregory (Catarina's boyfriend and his brother)
Matt & Sarah (The couple upstairs)
Aiden & Cora (Matt & Sarah's kids)

And here are the pictures:
(Click on them to make them bigger)

Emmy and Grammy at the begining of the party
Emmy and Grammy at the begining of the party

Playing with her hair
Emmy playing with her Elmo hat

Mena and my father in law talking in the kitchen
Mena and Louie's dad talking in the kitchen

My mother and father in law
Louie's mom and dad

Uncle Jorge being a goof with Emmy (as usual!) LOL
Uncle Jorge being a goofball as usual! lol

Aiden and Michael playing Nintendo DS
Aiden & Mikey on the Nintendo DS

Andrew, Cat, and Cora
Andrew, Cat, and Cora

Jorge, Leslie, Emmy, and my Louies parents
Jorge, Leslie, Emmy and Louie's parents

Matt, Joe and my father in law
Matt, Joe, and Louie's dad

Jorge and Emmy
Jorge and Emmy

Emmys Grammy (Pat) and in the backround Joe, Mat, Mena and Cat
Grammy (Pat) and in the backround Joe, Matt, Mena, and Catarina

Emmy entertaining the party, lol
Emmy putting on a show, lol

Look mommy!! LOL
Look mommy!! LOL


Uncle Jorge calling Emmy
Uncle Jorge calling Emmy

Me and my mom being retards, LMFAO
Me and mom being retards! LMAO!!

Emmy and Daddy
Emmy and Daddy

Emmy eating her Elmo birthday cake
Emmy eating her Elmo b-day cake (It was so good!)

Andrew on the DS
Andrew on the DS

Louies mom, Emmy, Me, and Pat
Louie's mom, Emmy, me, and Pat

Me and Emmy after we opened her Baby Gap outfits
Me and Emmy opening the baby gap outfits from nana and grammy, they were SO adorable!!

Me, Emmy, Andrew, Mikey, and Mena
Me, Emmy, Andrew, Mikey, and Mena

aww, her Tea Pot set from Matt, Sarah, Aiden, and Cora
Emmy's toy tea pot set from Matt, Sarah, Aiden & Cora

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Catching up...

Ok, So I have a lot of catching up to do. Haven't written in a while, sorry about that, but it's been pretty busy around here! I do have lots of pictures though! Ok so, last weekend Danielle came down to out house again and it was so much fun. She absolutely loves her niece. She brought Emmy down some birthday presents and she really enjoyed opening them! She loves the tissue wrapping paper. So when Danielle was here she cut my hair for me which was great cause it was WAY too long, so I feel relieved that it's finally chopped off! LOL Anyway, the presents Danielle bought were great, Emmy got a new Halo sleep sack, a pink sweater, a laugh & learn turtle that sings and counts, a crib wedge (you put it under the crib sheet, it elevates the top of the crib so it feels like a pillow, but since pillows aren't safe for Emmy yet that's what I wanted to use and it's awesome) and a light switch panel to match her room, it's so cute. I loved everything. Danielle is such a great aunt and Emmy loves her. So yes, Saturday was a blast. Then on Sunday we finally got out to the house! I was so glad to actually get some fresh air! LOL So that was good, but I keep telling Emmy, "two more pounds baby, two more, keep eating!!" Because she hates facing backwards in her car seat, but I can't turn her around to face front until she is 20 lbs. Then on Monday afternoon Emmy and I got a package from Auntie Charly with lots of cool stuff inside, she got a hand puppet of a kitty with a book attached, she loves it when I put my hand in and talk to her, lol. She also got a doll with a rattle inside, an adorable card with her cousins on the front and some more dough for her piggy bank! That was so nice of A.C. to send that to her. So then on Monday evening dad and Beth came to see us and we had a nice time visiting with them, dad made Emmy a chair in his shop, I will post pictures of it, it's so cute. She can't use it yet, but that will be her chair when she sits at the table by herself. Beth also brought her some more "Good Night" books to add to her collection. These books are so cute. It all started with of course Good Night Moon and then I had to have Good Night Boston! LOL. Then she got Good Night Cape Cod and now she has Good Night America, Lake, and Beach which are all autographed by the author. Oh and she also got some more c-notes for the piggy bank!! This girl has more cash then me! So then last night Louie and I were playing with Emmy on the living room floor and she is trying SO hard to crawl the regular way. She just can't get her legs and arms to stay up at the same time. She is almost there though!! Well, here are the pictures of the days I missed posting. Also, I know Nana will read this once she gets better and I want her to know that she is in our thoughts and prayers. Nana, you are a tough cookie and I know you're gonna get well soon! We love you!!!!!

Dad feeding Emmy

Beth & Emmy on her new chair

Danielle, Emmy & Me

Saturday, February 7, 2009

1 Year Pictures

Hello everyone! I haven't written in a while, nothing excited is going on but I do have many pics for you. I wanted to take a bunch of them so I could make one into Emmy's 1st year portrait. Here is her "photo shoot" LOL. More news tomorrow!

Gimme this camera

My favorite picture!!

Ok I've had enough

My 2nd favorite!!

Chubby Cheeks

Playing with her piggies


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Emmy's One Year Physical

Today was Emmy's 1 year check up. She is getting so big! She weighs 18 lbs. 2 oz. and is 28 inches tall! Her dr. said even though she is was a preemie (which means she basically 10 months) that she is in the 25th percentile for a normal 1 year old which is awesome. She is going off of her formula and going to drink whole milk now. She loved sitting on the table in the office. Ya know that paper they put down on it? Well by the time the doctor came in the room was in shambles! LOL I was like "sorry, my kid trashed the place" LOL. And then she had to get shots too! 3 of them ! She only cried while she was getting them, last time she didn't cry at all! But right before she got her shots I had to put her down in her carriage to get something out of my bag and I took some pictures of her, LOL.

See my toofers??


Just Chillin

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Emmy's First Birthday!!

Emmy's 1st Birthday was great. Tonight we had Louie's family over for cake. Mom and Dad were going to come too, but they both got too much snow. We got some here too and Louie's brothers came but his mom and dad couldn't drive in this weather. We still had fun though! I make my own 2 cakes, a heart shaped vanilla one and a regular chocolate one. My niece Catarina who is a great artist wrote "emmy" on the cake for me cause I always mess it up, lol. Well, here are the pictures, and remember you can click on them to make them bigger. Enjoy!

Emmy's birthday cake

My sister in law Leslie, Mikey, Emmy, and Louie's brother Jorge (Pronounced George)

My nephew Mikey posing for the camera

My sister in law Mena beating up Catarina, LOL

Emmy getting her back scratched by Uncle Jorge, she is LOVIN it! LOL

Uncle Jorge tryin to get a high 5 out of Emmy, aint gonna happen! LOL

Emmy and Auntie Lee (Leslie)

Daddy bring out Emmy's cake (she's like hey! where did the lights go?? LOL)



She's loving this!

Catarina & Emmy

Emmy playing in her birthday cake

Daddy showing Emmy how to play in her cake, lol

Louie's older brother Joe & Louie

Uncle Jorge (Louie's younger brother) loves his little Emmy!

Daddy talkin to Emmy and Uncle Jorge

Uncle Jorge and Emmy in the kitchen (I love this picture)

Uncle Jorge and Emmy

Andrew playing his Nintedo DS

Catarina, John & Mikey

Awww, kisses for Mikey!

My niece Catarina (trying to hide from the camera BRAT! LOL) and her boyfriend John