Thursday, February 19, 2009

Emmy's new car seat!

Well this week was a good one except for one thing, Nana being in the hospital! I have been very worried about her all week. But now mom tells me she is okay. Anyway, This week Holly brought Madison over for a play date with Emmy and it was great to have her interacting with another baby her age. The played well together but Maddy is 2 months older and only a couple weeks preemie, so she is already walking and that makes Emmy want to walk too. She shared her toys so well and loved playing with another baby. It was so fun to watch. Also, my nephews down stairs are on school vacation this week so they have been up at our house a lot. Emmy loves when they come up because she plays with them while she is in her walker, lol, she chases them around the house in her walker. It's so fun for her. She is also getting a lot better at moving around in her walker, babies start off going backwards but now she is going frontwards too. She loves to stand up and walk instead of sitting down and just moving her feet. This week she also ate gerber puffs which are like cheerios but disolvable. I am one of those moms that thinks my kid is gonna choke on everything so those are great for me! lol. So, today she was supposed to have her appointment with Lisa but I canceled to go up to Mom's house today, her and Pat are going to Maine tomorrow, so I wanted to see them before they went up, not to mention get Emmy's car seat...he he! LOL. So when I left to go up there this morning I didn't have a good update on Nana and then when I got there mom told me she was doing better, so I was pretty relieved about that. However, we were both exausted from waking up so early...4am and driving up there so we ended up taking two naps. lol. One on the couch and one with Nana in her bed. It was fun though, I told mom I was stealing her and Pats bed, I think it was the most comfy bed I had ever slept in! About 4pm Louie came back to my moms and Emmy was so happy to see him! As usual! Soon after that Grammy came home with Chinese food and we had a great dinner. After that I fed Emmy her sweet potato's while Grammy held her. Emmy also spit them all over the couch and blanket! lmao. Thank God they had a sheet down to cover the couch!! So then Louie and I went out to install Em-boo's new car seat. I absolutely LOVE it. It's awesome. It's a brown and pink, safety first and she LOVES sitting frontwards in it. She loves being able to see Louie and I when shes in the car. So! Like I said, besides worrying about Nana this week was good. Well, I gotta go, Emmy needs to get to bed and my nephews are playing with Emmy's new tea pot set, it makes a pouring sound when you pretend to pour it out and they are "dumping it out" on my head! LOL. I am going to tell them they have to leave because now I am soaked with tea and have to change my clothes, HAHA!! Little buggers. Anyway, I'll update again soon!